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    Equipment Rentals

    Forklifts are one of the most versatile pieces of equipment used today. They can be found on construction sites, near loading docks and in nearly every warehouse, large or small, across the country.

    Here at Illinois Lift Equipment, we understand how important it is to have a reliable forklift ready when you need it. Your business depends on getting things where they need to be and doing so quickly and efficiently.

    To that end, we offer one of the largest selections of new and used forklifts in Cary, Illinois and the surrounding area.

    Our Rental Equipment

    We offer your choice of two types of forklifts and one type of scissor lift to rent. This means that whatever your special job requires, we are more than likely able to help you.

    Cushion Tire Forklifts

    These are the best forklifts for places like paved surfaces and warehouses. The tires are created to provide maximum grip on man-made surfaces. You will want this forklift if you are adding a structure on a paved lot or you have shipping and receiving jobs.

    Pneumatic Tire Forklifts

    The extra-sturdy tires on these make them the choice for construction sites and other places that regular forklifts may have difficulty navigating.

    Scissor Lifts/Man Lifts

    Scissor lifts are used when you want to create a safe environment to transport workers to heights. They provide a sturdy platform for window washers, produce harvesting and construction projects.

    Why Rent?

    Unless you use a forklift on a daily basis or need to provide a way to lift employees every day for your business, it is often more cost-effective to rent what you need. You may have a one-time construction project.

    At the end of that project, you are sitting with a forklift gathering dust and very few chances to sell it. If you rent for the duration of your project, you save money, and anything that may go wrong during the rental period is covered by the rental company.

    Maybe you only need a scissor lift for fruit harvesting in the fall, or you have a particularly good season and need additional help.

    Renting for the time period allows you the extra lift you need, without the expense and upkeep of equipment. Even if you have a monthly need to help load or unload shipments but the forklift is only used a few hours, renting it may end up being more cost-effective.

    Why Illinois Lift Equipment?

    At Illinois Lift, we understand your transport needs fully. Our inventory of new and used forklifts covers a wide variety of brands, including the biggest names in the industry.

    We pride ourselves on our customer service and will strive to have you leaving our showroom with the exact piece of equipment you require to meet your needs, in the most cost-effective way.

    Check out our current offerings of forklifts now to get a feel for what we can do to help your business grow. We will gladly offer a quote on the equipment you are seeking to rent.

    You can always contact us with any questions or concerns!


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